Our Approaches
Hypnotherapy is a form of complementary therapy that utilises the power of positive suggestion to bring about subconscious change to our thoughts, feelings, and behaviour. It's conducted in a state of focused attention, enhanced by mental and physical relaxation.
At a glance
During hypnotherapy, you’re guided into a deeply relaxed state, making it possible to tap into the subconscious mind to introduce positive changes for issues like smoking cessation, weight loss, stress reduction, and phobias.
What to Expect
Expect to feel a sense of deep relaxation. Your therapist will then use carefully worded scripts to encourage changes in attitude, behaviour, or relief from psychological distress.
How Can Hypnotherapy Help
Hypnotherapy can help with a variety of issues, including anxiety, phobias, substance abuse, and pain management. It empowers individuals to overcome barriers to their well-being.
How Effective is Hypnotherapy
There is growing empirical support for hypnotherapy as an effective intervention for various psychological and behavioural issues, offering a complementary option for traditional therapy methods.
Our Approaches
We offer a wide range of approaches depending on the requests and needs of our clients. We work according to the latest evidence-based approaches, always tailored to suit the unique person in front of them.